How to clean a stainless steel safety razor?
The best way to do it.

If you don't know how to clean stainless steel safety razors, then read this article. This will provide you with a complete procedure for razor cleaning.

Stainless steel razors are a fantastic zero waste product, aren't they? Well, I've become an admirer of them since I got to know that razors are one of the most wasted products that pollute the earth. So knowing that, I switched to stainless steel razors, and I can swear by this product. But the main thing that worries people after buying it is how to clean a stainless steel safety razor thoroughly.

As they are nature's best friend, you may think that they could be challenging to clean. But trust me, they are not. I am writing this article to guide you to different cleaning methods that will increase its connectivity. So stay seated to learn the different ways to pamper your eco-friendly razor.

how to clean a safety razor

Methods of Safety Razor Cleaning

Well, a lot of you may know, but there are two types of razor cleaning methods. One is simple cleaning while the other is deep cleaning. I use both of them, and to my surprise, they are pretty effective. So let's go through them to see how they work.

Simple cleaning

It includes a regular rinse and tap under the water, drying it, and placing it freshly after shaving. It removes the significant debris and works well for everyday use.

Deep cleaning

As the name suggests, it is major based on cleaning every nook and corner of your stainless steel razor. It helps to eliminate all the excess germs and scum, leaving your razor good as new. It is done when there is a run of gunk on your blades which affects its performance.

Step by step procedure to deep clean your safety head razor

Following are the simple steps of how to clean the best stainless steel safety razor that you can do within minutes.

Step 1

A stainless steel safety razor head is detachable. So, first of all, separate your razor head for a thorough cleaning.

Step 2

Prepare a solution of warm water and liquid soap. If you think that the dirt in your razor is too stubborn, then you can try a dilute vinegar-water solution. Vinegar is pretty effective in removing stubborn spots efficiently. However, if you think that vinegar solution can be harsh, you can switch to soapy water.

Step 3

Now put the razor in the warm solution you just made. Wait for five to ten minutes so that soap/vinegar can remove all the scum and debris.

Step 4

Now take out your safety razor and scrub it with the help of the clean toothbrush. Using it helps get you to every corner of the razor, and you can scrub out all the excess without damaging the blades.

Step 6

If you still think you cannot reach the deep part, take a Q-tip, wet it with the alcohol solution, and rub it to the required places. All the unnecessary stuff will come off.

Step 7

Out your safety razor under tap water and wash all the soapy solution.

Step 8

Dry it thoroughly with a clean towel.

Step 9

Soak it in a disinfectant to kill all the excessive bacteria. A solution of isopropyl alcohol will do the job. I would personally never recommend skipping this step as it gives me a germ-free safety razor.

Step 10

Completely dry it and place it on the stand and here you go, your stainless steel safety razor is good as new.

It will take you not more than five minutes to completely clean your razor with these simple steps.

How often to clean your safety razor

Using this product, I realized that it doesn't matter even if you have the best stainless steel safety razor heads. It would be best if you cleaned them regularly. I recommend you deep clean your safety razors one in every few shaves (after two to three times) to retain your razor's integrity. And when it comes to casual cleaning, you should do it after every shave.


Why do you need to clean a safety razor?

Suppose you have bought the best stainless steel safety razor. That's great! But after many shaves, you are getting lazy to clean it. Do you know what resides between those blades and overall on the entire razor? Let's have a look at what stays in your dirty razor when you don't clean it.

Why do you need to clean a safety razor?

Suppose you have bought the best stainless steel safety razor. That's great! But after many shaves, you are getting lazy to clean it. Do you know what resides between those blades and overall on the entire razor? Let's have a look at what stays in your dirty razor when you don't clean it.



When you don't clean your razor, often it becomes a household of certain bacteria. These microorganisms can invade your body through minor tears and wounds and cause serious ailments


Scum Some precipitated minerals like calcium and magnesium can take place in your razor. They come when you have a hard water supply. Other than that, they can develop with the time when your razors are not deep cleaned


Debris It is the residual, which is a cluster of dead skin cells, mini hair strands, and gunk that sticks between your blades. It is the core reason why your razor blades can go dull after a few shaves.

Of course, you do not want so many things to live in your safety razor. That's why it is better to keep it clean and fresh.

Rusting in a stainless steel razor

If you think that stainless steel razors can never undergo rusting, then you are wrong. In some cases, they become prey to heavy rust layers.

Open Comb Vs Safety Bar Razor


Rust forms on razors and blades when they are in constant contact with moisture.


Follow the cleaning regime mentioned above and scrub it with the help of a toothbrush. The rust will casually come off. If not, try vinegar and baking soda solution and out in the rusty area, scrub it after five minutes, and it will remove all of the rust.


Thoroughly dry your safety razor and place them in a dry place without any moisture.

Corrosion is not often seen in many razors, but a lousy cleaning routine can be a starter of this entire process. That's why make sure to keep your razors dry and clean.

Final verdict

My personal opinion is that stainless steel safety razors are the best gift that you can give to our planet. Not only do they perform amazing, but they are also nature friendly. Having a bunch of them in your bathroom will last you for a long time plus, they are not hard to maintain. As they groom your looks, you should groom them as well.

Taking the above line under consideration, today I discussed how to clean stainless steel safety razor products to increase their life with you all. Together, we looked at the step-by-step guide with all the additional information you needed to know. I hope that this was enough information to guide you through the entire safety razor cleaning process.